
Brez naslovnice
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Tzaritale is the daughter of MOTHER EARTH. In fact,it is neither a human nor an animal, nor a plant, but yet it is all in one. Her permanent escort is a sky blue owl. TzariTale has the power and the energy of Mother Earth; she is kind; she is compassionate; she is healing; she always listens to everybody; consoles; heals; advises. She is also famous for telling the most beautiful fairytales. Her fairytales teach everyone who listens. So, the listeners can learn how to live in cohesion with Mother Nature (people,animals, plants, and other riches of Mother Nature) Her tales also reveal wonderful, almost forgotten, character features, such as: friendliness, honesty, obedience, diligence, wisdom, persistence and being ready to help and listen to the others.

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