Why don't Moon Fairy and Sun Prince live together?

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The first book that explains divorce and separation in a child-friendly way. An imaginative story with beautiful illustrations explains to the child why they don’t live with both parents. Adults can also identify with the story, especially those with separated parents and those who didn’t grow up with their biological parents. A story about two beings, each shining with their own light, pictures human reality and explains that love sometimes cannot overcome all obstacles. Although this story doesn’t end with “... and they lived happily ever after,” it has a happy ending. The child understands that no matter what the relationship between his/her parents is, their love for him/her will always shine. Through the story, a child is able to understand the separation without feeling guilty and realizes that he or she is loved, no matter what. They may feel and realize that they have their own unique light, regardless of what family they live in.

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